Trade Exchange Canada
Suite 216 - 3823 Henning Drive
Burnaby, British Columbia
V5C 6P3
Phone: 604-294-5881
Fax: 604-294-5884

Services – Lawyers, Dentists, Accountants

Trade is used to get new business and fill downtime

Service related businesses use Trade to fill downtime and get new clients they would not otherwise have.

  • The Deal? Dentist is looking to fill downtime and wants new patients.
  • Cost? Times not booked are lost revenue forever
  • Savings? Dentist has access to areas to use trade instead of cash including advertising, staff incentives, travel and bonuses.
  • Bottom Line: New clients, less downtime, trade to spend in areas they would be spending cash.

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New to TEC? Download the Top 4 ways to use trade!